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Disc (or centrifugal) seeders are a simple and effective solution for distributing grass seed up to a 6 m spreading width. A low voltage electric motor drives a distribution disc, which then throws the seeds coming from the tank (capacity: 105 l).

The air seeder with electric drive is equipped with a turbine that blows the seeds through pipes to the distributors. They then eject the seeds evenly after the splash plates and without any negative influence of the side winds or the pipe. This technique is an interesting solution for a quality seeding up to 6 m wide with 8 outlets, or 7.2 m wide with 12 outlets. The distribution grooves are available in different models and are ideally adapted to the types of seeds distributed (grass, green fertiliser, etc.). The tank has a capacity from 120 l to 300 l of seeds depending on the model. The seeder usually includes a platform to refill the tank safely.